No. I don't believe in making friends online (0 Votes)
Yes. I will befriends with people that attracted me online (0 Votes)
No. I will never meet anyone I know from social networking sites (0 Votes)
Sure. I will meet the friends I made online (0 Votes)
No. I will just walk away from them (0 Votes)
Yes. I will expose them for who/what they are (1 Votes)
No Comments! (0 Votes)
V. LONG - Đ. TRUNG - H. ĐƯỜNG - V. THỊNH - Thứ Năm, ngày 16/6/2016 - 17:23
PLO tiếp tục cập...
Xác định được phiên hiệu Su-30MK2 và 2 phi công mất tích [TNO]
Do Do on 16th June 2016