Posted: Dec 07, 2006 - 11:24 PM
~ Bé Thơ ~
Joined: Dec 05, 2005 - 02:10 AM
Posts: 33 From the reasons amassed above (
I can safely assume that these are well-to-do adolescents, who doesn't have to worry about making a living, making good grades or taking care of their family...

One group fits that "profile"/criteria: the COCC.

Those are the offsprings of the ruling class in Vietnam right now.

Because of their background, they are either ingorant of the fact/history, that they couldn't careless whom they are making fun of, what they are trashing around; or they may actually be so turned off by the truth (the ugly side of it), that they went on a rage as a way to release/vent their frustration/denial.

Since their family are so powerful, they are filthy rich; and they don't have to work nor study. That leads to boredom. That's why some of them seek thrill online, any way they can, to get high.

And like drug, the dosage just gets higher and higher. There's no boundaries they wouldn't cross for a few laughs/rushes.

The reason they parents would allow them to take on this "soprt" is because it does serve a purpose: to create confusion and chaos among the anticommunists online, or people they considered "a threat to the regime".

So, it works out quite nicely for them.

The wicked youth got to trash people for a pastime sport while serving as vanguards of the ruling machine.

What about the professionals who actually got paid to "spy online"?

Well, they can't pretend to be "stupid"/dumb/kids forever; and it costs too much time and money to train and maintain an effective agent online 24/7.

Letting these "..." SOB bastards COCC loose online, acting out as they please, seems like a great idea. Doesn't cost the government anything. They are experts at this game, and having fun doing it--even.

Everybody wins. So they thought.