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Thread: Khai Dao for Westminster City Council

  1. #11

    What Would I Do Differently, To Help Westminster City?

    I will not burden the business community with my campaign.

    I will prove that it should not take more than $10,000.00 to run this campaign effectively. Hopefully, after I've proven my case, there will be no more demands from candidates [or city's officials] asking/solicitating local business owners to donate/contribute money to their their campaign fund to run for our City Council.

    I will not solicit the business owners in Westminster or surrounding areas.

    I will not accept donations from any special interest group, except close friends and family members, or those who volunteer to support my cause, without any string attached.

    I will make no promises to anyone or any special-interest group's agendas, except pledge my allegiance to the city of Westminster.

    I am an independent candidate, with no affiliations with any organization or party; I have no hidden agendas, and want no secondary gains.

  2. #12

    Re: Khai Dao for Westminster City Council

    Nhân dịp nước Mỹ đang trong mùa bầu cử, hai đảng Dân Chủ vs Cộng Hòa đang tìm cách thuyết phục người dân ủng hộ chính sách của họ, và chỉ trích những sai lầm của phe đối nghịch, thì chúng ta thấy rằng một trong những "Đặc Quyền" (Rights) mà chúng ta được thừa hưởng khi đang sống trong những xã hội tự do, văn minh và phát triển... là Quyền [Tự Do] Bầu Cử.

    Không phải tự nhiên mà [tất cả] chúng ta có được quyền này.

    Những người Da Màu [như chúng ta], ở Hoa Kỳ, chỉ mới được bỏ phiếu từ năm 1964.

    Như vậy có phải là uổng phí lắm không, nếu chúng ta không thực thi quyền lợi [và trách nhiệm] của mình--tham gia đi bầu--để loại bỏ đi những thành phần bất tài, thất đức, tham quyền, cố vị... chỉ nhằm mục đích mưu cầu tư lợi, củng cố phe nhóm/bè cánh để vinh thân phì gia [như ĐCSVN và những tay lãnh tụ như Nguyễn Tấn Dũng]?

  3. #13

    Re: Khai Dao for Westminster City Council

    Thank you, Andrew Dao [and friends], for helping us putting up the signs.

    Just to show that if we worked wisely and passionately enough we still can achieve pretty much the same result, with much less money, compared to some [who wasted lots of money, that they got from others] to "run their campaign"... sitting in armchairs, pointing fingers and signing checks/deals.

  4. #14

    Re: Khai Dao for Westminster City Council

    Thank you, anh Vinny Tran, for reconnecting me with our Lac Hong Group again.

    I hope to gain their supports, and to make them proud for doing so.

  5. #15

    Re: Khai Dao for Westminster City Council

    Got some photos taken at our headquarter, by professionals, courtesy of anh Hưng & Huệ.

  6. #16

    Re: Khai Dao for Westminster City Council

    There will be a Forum, hosted by the OC Chamber of Commerce, held on October the 2nd, at the Westminster City Council's Chamber.

    Please attend, and ask your friends to join you. We will lay out our specific/detailed plans there [so you can judge for yourself if they are any good to the city].

  7. #17

    Re: Khai Dao for Westminster City Council

    Quote Originally Posted by cdoan View Post
    Dude, you step in politics. I thought about it and talked to my wife. I will not enter politics unless I am worth $10 mil before I reach 55. American politics and stay the heck away from Vietnamese politics.

    BTW Good luck.

    Yup. That's why I am still single to this day. Either be free to do whatever you wish, or be married and fulfill your role as a husband/father [sacrificing/compromising your wishes in the process]--unless you can find a partner who share your beliefs and can travel the path with you in harmony... No?

    True. Most others would have to prove themselves [capable and succeeding] first--before they enter politics, asking others to trust them [to lead the way].

    I, on the other hand, can only share with you my [unwavering] passions and convictions. My track record does not show a big account, but it will show you that I meant what I said [and try to be/do what I "preach/ed"--as challenged by you, more than ten years ago].

    I congratulate you for succeeding on your chosen path.

    I, however, am content with what I've done and feel hopeful about the prospect ahead of us.

    Again, thanks for joining the discussion.

    I cannot unilaterally add you back into VIET YOUTH Group @ facebook, but if you checked it out now, you'll see that we're going to achieve [to be] what we set out to do. We'll love to have you joining the discussions with us whenever you decide to join our group again.

  8. #18

    Re: Khai Dao for Westminster City Council

    Quote Originally Posted by cdoan View Post
    We calculated that $10 mil would give us financial independence. I do not want to go into politics to enrich my coffer and become corrupted in the process. This great nation has given me so many opportunities to succeed, and I want to preserve it for the next generation. I have 1/5 of the goal and 11 years to go.

    Before I decided to leave the Army, I had a talk with my commanding general, whom I regarded as a father figure. He stated that eventhough I had been a good officer, I would help the Army better if I ran for a political office. At that time I had no interest in politics, so I did not think much about it. With recent developments the thought of running for political office has entered my mind. My philosophy is if I see something wrong I need to fix it, not blaming.
    Yup. Some get in for "Fame", some for "Power", and most look to profit from their positions.

    Only [naive and idealistic] Youths would [still] want to "Change The World" [for the better].

    Here's our headquarter:

  9. #19

    Re: Khai Dao for Westminster City Council

    Qua sự việc nhà cầm quyền VN vừa tuyên án tù [rất nặng] để trù dập những Bloggers [Nhà Báo Độc Lập] tại Việt Nam, chúng tôi xin được chia sẻ như sau:

    Chúng tôi Chỉ Tôn Trọng Lý Lẽ & Sự Thật - Chống Độc Tài & Chính Trị Xôi Thịt - Mong Muốn Thảo Luận để Tìm Ra những Giải Pháp hợp lý/khả thi nhất [cho đại đa số]...

    We have always been trying to promote Truth, advocate Dialogues and defend Justice...

    Those are our causes [against False Prophets, Độc Tài, Độc Đảng & Chính Trị Xôi Thịt].

  10. #20

    Re: Remembering September 11th 2001, Taking A Look At Communal Karma...

    Đài Truyền Hình VNA - TV, 57.3, chương trình do anh Du Miên phụ trách sẽ phỏng vấn chúng tôi vào lúc 9:00 giờ sáng, ngày mai, Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 09, .

    Kính mời quí vị và các bạn nhớ đón xem.

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