Regarding tonight's Debate [between Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump], I think it could and would decide the outcome of the coming Presidential Election right there and then.

Staying Active, Looking Energetic for 90 minutes without taking a rest [for refreshment or bathroom break]... and become the next President of the United States of America?

How much easier can it get?

How much lower can it get?

Is that all it requires for Hillary now, to secure her Presidential Bid, putting her name in the Historic Annal of Mankind:

- Standing own your own two feet, not acting like a fool, not making any stupid remarks, and be able to answer a few questions, explaining to people why you want to be their President, and what will you do if elected... [which I doubted Donald Trump can/will succeed]?

Too EASY!!!

Must be a setup.

It's In The Bag!

Served to [Chosen] Future Madame President, Hillary Rodham Clinton, on a silver plate!!!